Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This morning as I returned from taking the kids to school, I was traveling down a two lane road
that dead ends at a stop light and I thought to myself while sitting there, that traffic seemed unusually backed up. As I rounded the curve in the road i noticed a car in the middle of the road with the hazard lights flashing and no occupant in sight. I knew then that the car was the reason that traffic was backed up more than usual this morning. Well to my surprise I was wrong ! I was about 10 or 15 cars behind the broken down Cadillac and amazingly enough, car after car pulled directly behind this car as though there was a driver and they were waiting for the light to change. Some of these people sat there for long periods of time and the car wasn't even near the stop light. One lady even blew her horn at the derelict vehicle. So many cars had gone around the car already that there was a clear path in the grassy area to the right of the vehicle. I am amazed that so few people actually pay any attention to what is in front of them.

I think this is indicative of the way people live their lives. I have come to the conclusion that the average person would rather follow someone else than open their own eyes and make their own path. Why is it that so many rely on information given to them by someone else ? Is it laziness, stupidity, or just not knowing any better ? Information is only as good as its source so be careful who you trust to listen too. I think it's all of the above. People can be like zombies and just follow a routine like a worker ant and "stick to the program" so tightly that they lose the ability to make decisions or use rational thought. The school system is making it worse by teaching kids curriculum in standardized form. Every child doesn't learn the same and if they don't fit the mold that has been set for everyone to follow they are deemed as slow learners or need teaching assistance. Most of the people that come up with this crap don't even have kids, if they did they would know better. I know several public school teachers who's children are home schooled. What does that say about what these kids are being taught ? Sadly the public school teachers are told to teach to the tests that will be administered. Our future will be filled with worker bees with little or no creativity with limited cognitive skills. Common sense is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Kids in school rarely go to any kind of P.E. classes, are limited in the arts and are for some reason learning less. Yet these are the standards that have been set for our children and we are letting it happen. We are the beginning of the end.
All too often we find ourselves following people who don't have a clue where they are going, sadly we find that out after we have been sitting there for far too long already. We all know somebody that thinks they are smarter than they really are.

Kids now are made to believe everything should be fair. Nothing is fair in the real world weather win or you lose. Life is not fair you take the good with the bad. Winners do their homework, they try harder, they do what others wont and sometimes, not often, but sometimes they lose. I had the pleasure of coaching little league baseball for the last few years, but one thing always bothered me. I had too put every kid in every game for a certain period of time no matter what. Even if this kid couldn't see the ball let alone catch or hit it. It didn't matter. This raises a concern for me and it should for others.

Why should we encourage our children to be mediocre? When a person thinks everything should be fair it takes away the need to be better and work harder. If someone just gives me things and rewards my nothingness ,what do i have to work for ? I can just show up and ill be considered as good as everyone else. We know that's crap ! But this is the way too many of us are raising our kids who grow up with a spoiled attitude , limited abilities and a sense of entitlement that is very misplaced. There is nothing like the payoff from hard work. If you want your kids to have self esteem, show them how to work and let them see the results of their work, the fruit of their labor and you will have solid human beings that will lead productive lives. They will know that if you want to be successful in the real world you have to work and do what others wont. Kids need to learn that as soon as they are able to comprehend. Only the strong survive and we will be building a better America and seeing it rise to the full potential of its inhabitants.

Mediocrity should not be rewarded and second place is always the first loser.
Wake up people and stop pulling up behind stalled cars

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