Thursday, October 8, 2009


How is your health and do you consider yourself to be a healthy person?
I attended a meeting not long ago for my daughter’s annual high school orchestra trip. They were going to Florida to play and attend the symphony in Tampa. The schools instructors and chaperons were there to explain to us parents ,what was required of each student in regard too clothing snacks and behavior and so on, the usual stuff. One thing about the conversation stood out to me and got me thinking. They made it very necessary to remind each parent and student that there was to be no smoking or drugs allowed on the trip, unless they were prescription
and if they were prescription drugs they had to give them to the chaperons for safe keeping.

After a few minutes of what I finally realized was a lengthy question and answer period on the subject, it occurred to me that there are a lot of kids that are very medicated. The conversation then turned to kids with allergies to foods and as well as other things.
Now, I’m thinking ……Damn! “I remember when I was in school and there may have been one or two kids in the whole school that was allergic to something and nobody made a big deal about it. When did we evolve into a society of sick people that have negative reactions to the world around us ? If these kids are this screwed up now, I feel sorry for their kids and the following generations.

What’s next?
People have gotten so used to poisoning themselves we think its normal.
Medicating children is the biggest cop out on parenting I have ever witnessed.
Then we ask how these people become drug addicts as teenagers. People just need to be honest with themselves and admit they are lazy and looking for somewhere to place the blame for their buck passing and faulty parenting. These people lack the ability to raise children and I wish there was a way for them to return these kids, no harm, no foul, with an apology admitting they didn’t realize what they were getting into and just cant cut it.

Poisoning ourselves and our children has become acceptable just as so many other bad things have. Why do people smoke?
It stinks, causes cancer and is just plain nasty.
It cracks me up to see people driving down the street with their car window down trying to keep the smoke out of their car and to keep the smoke from permeating the interior. That says to me that the car seats are more important than their lungs.
My thinking is, why not just go stand inside a burning building and get it over with.
There was a time when cigarette commercials had a claim, that certain brands
were the most recommended by doctors. Smoking was portrayed as glamorous.
Now, smoking is banned in many public places because of public health and safety.
I do not pass judgment on anyone, to each his or her own, but I see no value or sense in it.
I have asked many smokers why they smoke. The usual answer is my nerves. or it alms me down. That has to be the most idiotic compulsory B.S. answer they can think of.
If smoking was necessary for us to live and have good nerves it would have come built into the human body.

The food we consume these days is mostly
hormone injected, steroid pumped, preservative filled, chemically tainted, genetically altered poison. Lots of people say, ” It was good enough for my grandparents it good enough for me.”
I guarantee you this food is not the same and is far from its natural state by the time we get it
and is nothing like what our parents or grand-parents consumed.
To prove it to you, go try to buy a chicken from your local grocery store; then go to a health food store and buy an organic chicken that is free from hormones and preservatives and you will see a big difference in cost.

It cost more money to eat healthy than it does to poison yourself everyday.
Have you ever wondered why the food and drug administration are one in the same?
They approve the poison we feed our families then approve the medical poison to repair the damage done by the first poison and its all approved, funded and certified by Uncle Sam.
Have you ever asked why they have started to advertise drugs on television? As though we have the ability to diagnose and medicate ourselves. They tell you to ask your doctor for the medication. What the hell is that about?
The funniest part is when they tell you about the drug in the commercial there is a tongue twister at the end to tell you about
all the side effects which are usually worse that the problem you had to begin with.

Cancer is being diagnosed at an all time high in this country, why?
Most of us live a toxic lifestyle and just don’t get it. Consuming poison is as easy as ever with fast food, microwaves, people not working out, not walking or even breaking a sweat. The human body is designed to care for itself but you have to give it what it needs to keep it running. You know your car runs on gas; would you put water in the gas tank?
People value their car more that they do their own body. The say you are what you eat.
Im my personal opinion it leads me to believe this is a very good argument for the increase of gay men and masculine women. Our bodies require maintenance of the delicate balance that they were designed with, yet for some, the consumption of foods that were injected with hormones or steroids is enough to create an imbalance that could cause one to be gender challenged. It is destroying your bodies eco-system.

The old saying still holds true “Anything worth having is worth working for”
Take care of yourselves
You get one life and one body. Treat it like your car.
Keep it clean do regular maintenance and use only premium fuel.


  1. I learned that sticker labels on the fruits actually tell you how the fruits have been grown — whether they were organically grown or conventionally grown with pesticides and herbicides; oh, and let's not forget about the genetically engineered fruits.

    Conventional Fruit Labels

    Four digits and does not start with 9

    ** mostly starting with the digit 4

    Organic Fruit Labels

    Five digits and starts with number 9

    Genetically Modified Fruits

    Start with the digit 8

    ** This is good to know because stores aren't obligated to tell you if a fruit has been genetically modified.

    Okay, so if you come across an apple in the store and it's labels 4922, it's an conventional apple grown with herbicides and harmful fertilizers.

    If it has a sticker 99222, it's organic and safe to eat. If it says 89222, then RUN!!!! It has been genetically modified (GMO).

    So next time you go shopping, remember these critical numbers and know how to avoid purchasing inorganic and GMO fruits.

    Eat Safe!

