Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yesterday I went to a taping of the new B.E.T. late night talk show Mo Nique. First I have never seen an episode of the show on television. I have heard all the complaints and jokes about her screaming and yelling mixed in with a bunch of "baby this" and "honey that". We entered the studio and it was freezing in there. The hype man was working the room before the show and was very accommodating really funny. He got the crowd hyped. The co-host pissed me off a little though
when he called me "The Thugged Out Guy" while going through the audience trying to get people to do the Beyonce dance. I was like, "you Effin assh@!e". I really did gain a new respect for Monique. I love her humility and the fact that she is in full support of Black Media. I hope that Mo Nique's presence on B.E.T. will offset all the negative programming that has been there in the past due to change in ownership.

It has become critical that the Black community has its own media outlets and are able to address issues that are pertinent to us as a community. We take our cue from other media outlets with mainstream news and T.V. shows ,which removes our ability to control our own image. This allows the powers that be to make us appear in whatever light they choose,good or bad, usually bad. It is at the very least careless and destructive on our part to have another group of people who don't have our best interest at hand, depict us in ways that are inaccurate and demeaning. I have come to learn that people love carnage. Misery loves company Black or White, So whenever there is a train wreck, you can count on human nature to fuel the need to not want too look, yet not want to look away, along with feeding into the inaccuracies and lies while transforming the lies into the truth.

I have been interviewed countless times in the news and media and I can tell you first hand that rarely is the story ever reported the way it was given. News agencies have little need to be accurate anymore, unless there is a possibility for them to be sued and even then the disclaimer or retraction is so small and forgetful it doesn't matter anyway. News is a business and it sells well ,so the more dramatic it is the more people watch it which is why advertisers pay big money to peddle their goods along side whatever is popular.

Wait, Hold the presses...............I just got off the phone having spoke with a young lady from B.E.T. who controls tickets and media for the upcoming Soul Train Awards. She denied me and my company Urban Arts Enterprises access to the event because we don't fit the criteria of a news agency they are looking for. is a prime example of what I mean. A new up and coming news outlet for us by us and we were denied. That's o.k. the pen is mightier than the sword and I will have my day soon enough as we reach out to all people of color. Those who deny us and attempt to hide behind their coat tail of arrogance will be held accountable no matter how big or small. This just got personal !

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