Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Are we breaking new ground or digging our own graves ?
I can remember when things were very different and I know there are those who can remember back further than I can. We have come a long way in a very short time historically. Although I remain optomistic ,I fear we are going nowhere really fast.
Remember when music had meaning ? When songs from the 60s or 70s were playing there was never a need to say anything directly, most of it was metaphoric and it allowed you to think and go inside yourself to find your own personal connection to the song.
You knew exactly what message was being conveyed.
The suggestion was quite clear.
Today on the other hand its direct and to the point with no creative process to speak of. Young people these days have nothing to draw from in the music except B!&@h this and H@e that or some video to show you how to make it rain and teaching the subtleties of "Trickin". Why is that a problem you ask ? Well..........the music during the time when I grew up gave us an opportunity to understand how to talk to a women. It gave women an opportunity to learn the game of cat and mouse. These people helped to lay a great part of the foundation for many men my age to be smooth but firm and move slow yet deliberately whenever we were with a woman. The young ladies have become accustomed to acting the way they think is acceptable, therefore they have become faster and bolder and will not hesitate to drop it like its hot at 14.
Low self esteem is at an all time high for a number of reasons which would take hours to lay out.
This is a blog not a book.

Young men these days are like bulls in a china shop, sadly the young ladies dont know any better either and are overly accepting of these behaviors. Too many men these days have allowed money to trick them into a falsde sense of security. They think all women and all things can be bought. Many have been groomed and molded by society to believe that. If you are a man with money and you are weak, you are a weak man with money. These guys will find out that at one point or another that the way they start is the way they will finish. If you get a woman by flashing money you will have golddigger on some level or another and when the next man with more money comes along or he loses his money, he will lose his woman or women. On the other hand, if he gets a woman by being himself she may leave him, but she wont leave him because the next guy is a better him. Its not possible. Dont misunderstand and think that I have forgotten the lessons that come from home, but everyone didnt get these lessons from role modles and had to figure some stuff out on their own, even moreso today along with all the bad information that is being shared. They are a lot worse off today than we were 20 or 30 years ago. Music plays a role in molding a large portion of our lives. They say that certain songs are the sound track to your life and no two are ever the same.

I know we live in a fast growning society with text messages ,emails ,blackberrys and all other sorts of communication devices but with all of that technology we are losing our ability to communicate. The human element is being lost and it is causing people to remove themselves from the realities of everyday existance. I told my teenaged daughters " Whenever a young man wants to get to know you , do not allow him to text you." This helps to teach him to respect you as a person. Sometimes we have to groom people to treat us the way we want to be treated and that is a good start. People will do to you only what you allow them to do. You need to hear the way a person expresses themselves and the tone in their voice so that if there is one, you will find whatever connection you have to that person. If they cant do that then they are being lazy and intend to treat you the same as they treat everyone else which is not a good start.
Someone has to maintain some standards.

When the abnormal becomes normal I think we are in deep trouble. There was a time when people respected the elderly, even the thugs and criminals..... and they better not catch you messin with Mrs. johnson or else you were gonna catch a bad one. There was a time when You fought your enemies and when the best man won it was over. You got up, went home and patched yourself up. From that day forward you respected your opponent and your opponent respected you.
Some of the greatest friendships have been forged from good fights. Unfortunatly,today it can be a death sentance.
It has become normal for a 15 year old to have a baby shower when she becomes pregnant. Im not saying they should be removed from society but what kind of message have we sent. We have started to use A.D.D. medicine and other prescribed pharacuticles as a means of raising kids because we have become weak, complacent and lazy as parents with even less tools for understanding the psychology of our own children. If we cant raise good kids with our wit and the ability to think faster and further than them, what kind of example are we setting
as parents ? A good old fashioned ass whoopin helps too.

A great portion of this is the fault of the people in my age group. We raised this generation and they are taking things to a whole other level cause we let them. The genie is out of the bottle and he has no intention of going back. The next generation will do one of two things, they will either get worse and in our lifetime we will see people do foul things that at one time were unimaginable or they wil have seen enough and realize that humanity will only stand for so much before we become something similar to wild animals with the ability to use technology
..................So again we Evolve

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