Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My last blog was written about an experience I had while on a trail that I walk everyday which has been the source of many revelations in recent weeks.
Three days ago it happened again, only this time it was a two part story. I did my usual and began my walk with a short prayer to ask GOD help me clear my head be silent and to show me the path in life the he wants me to follow. I begin my walk.
along the way I met very cool Labrador Retriever. I talk to GOD out loud while i walk so if i see other people i go the other way.I approached a couple walking so I began to run in order to pass them and get a distance away so I could resume my conversation. Shortly after the short run I noticed a snail crossing the path, so I stopped to look at it. I saw just how slow he was moving and thought to myself "Wow, I hope no one steps on him". As I ran away, I thought about what it must be like to move that slow. Then it occurred to me that I "am" moving that slow. We all are. In time measured by GOD our lives are but a split second in the big scheme of things. In our eyes it is a journey ,much like crossing that path was for that snail. My walk was soon over. I said my ending prayer and went home.

I got home and realized that I had lost something along the way that day.
I had a cross on my neck that I like wear when i am walking and it was gone ! At first I was a little disturbed, but I notice I didn't feel the way I had in the past when I lost a piece of jewelry. As I explained my loss too someone I know well, they replied by reminding me and saying "well that's what you get for wearing that kind of stuff when you go jogging or walking". I was further disturbed by that statement more so at the person than the idea. Some people aren't happy unless negativity is included in every conversation. I then realized why I wasn't angry about losing the cross. I figured that it was a good thing I lost it so that someone else that needed a sign from GOD would symbolically receive a message from finding it.

Well I didn't think much more about it for a couple of days. Last night My wife suggested we go for a walk. It was late and the trail was about to close for the day. It closes at dark for safety reasons of course and there are coyotes out there as well. As I began my walk I had an overwhelming sense that I would find my cross that had been lost two days earlier. It had rained and thundered one of those days along with the fact that hundreds of people walk this trail everyday yet I still had that overwhelming feeling. So I began this 2.5 mile walk and about half way through without even a thought I looked down and there it was pointing straight at me off to one side of the trail as if GOD said to me, "here you go". My wife stood and looked with amazement and said "WOW ! GOD is good ! I hadn't mentioned to her that I already was shown I would find that cross so I told her that I already knew and I wasn't surprised at all.GOD had already shown me the outcome. Then the lesson came. Let something or someone go and if it was meant for you to have them or their return is guaranteed by GOD.


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