Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FOCUS ! .......A Dogs Lesson

Today was an interesting day and full of blessings and messages.
I have recently gone through a spiritual makeover and the world has opened up in ways that I have experienced in the past but somehow lost my way. Lesson learned.
I am currently and will continue thanking GOD for parking his Soldiers and Angels all around me in this troubling time. They are coming out of the woodwork and giving me information in all forms. I'm paying attention to the signs and I'm loving it.
I went for a walk which was about 2.5 miles long. While on the trail walking I observed what I know was my divine lesson for the day, which actually began yesterday. A very spiritual brother of the Muslim faith who is a business associate of mine gave me an eye opening piece of advice. He said, "Go for a walk and talk to GOD out loud ! And do it everyday". He went on to tell me that he does this every morning and when he is out there if he sees anyone going left, he goes right. I asked "Why?". He said ," Because I'm going to be talking to myself out loud and I don't want to scare anyone". I laughed and replied,"Good point".

The trail where I walk is beautiful and full of life, trees, flowers and a lake with lots of streams everywhere. There is a dog run and play area nearby so people bring their dogs and walk them there as well. As I was walking today,There was a lady jogging past me and she had a small dog following a few paces behind her, without a leash. My first thought was " There is a leash law that is strictly enforced here, well..... at least the sign says so."
Then I remembered that there was a man not far behind me with a big German Shepard and a few other people with dogs as well. I turned to see what the other dogs would do since she had no control over her dog without a leash on him. It was no surprise that as she ran right through and all the other dogs were pulling at their masters leashes to try and get near her dog, but to my amazement her dog never even looked around, never missed a step and stayed on pace with his master running past the other dogs as though they weren't even there. I have had an unruly dog or two.I was impressed! Look at the obedience and the focus that dog has and the lady never even looked around to see if her dog was still behind her, she just knew. Then it hit me. That dog knows who his master is and follows obediently without pause and nothing to the right or left could shake that dogs drive to follow his master and the master already knew what her dog would do even if the other dogs tried to get her dog.

God is our master and if we all had the obedience and focus possessed by that small dog, we would be so much clearer about who we are, where we are and where we need to go. No weapon formed against us would prosper. I for one will never forget that dog and I have every intention on following GOD who is my master the same way. My spiritual friend summed up our conversation from the previous day by saying to me. " We drive at 65 mph so Lets say life is traveling at 65 mph. While you're driving, you look over at another person in another car or at another persons life and what they are doing,you could easily wreck your car because you took your eyes off the road, right ? Well if you look around to see and pay attention to what other people are doing in their lives you have taken you eyes off your road and then we wonder why our own lives are a wreck." Yes i asked a lot of questions today and got some answers, so it did work and today I received some serious blessings so I am thankful for yet another day and more gifts from the "Most High".
I feel great!

Just food for though y'all .........

"God lead my steps and guide my path so that I might walk in your steps and be a better man".

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