Saturday, January 9, 2010


We think were pretty smart these days.
We have our computers,smart cell phones with G4 and internet capabilities plus I-Pods MP3 players and GPS units. We are quickly becoming the idiot society of the world with all this technology. Why you ask ?
If i take your cell phone away right now how many numbers will you remember?
Would you remember how to get to a destination after the first time you went there
if someone took your GPS?
If we didn't have Google how much information would our kids remember about the world and what are the things that we would work harder to commit to memory ? We have begun to allow artificial intelligence to do the momorizing and thinking for us.It occurred to me over the holiday season while driving from Atlanta to Chicago,that too much technology is a bad thing. That trip is about 760 miles or so. It takes roughly 10.5 to 11.0 hours to drive that far with good weather and a few gas and bathroom breaks.
I realized that in that 11 hours everyone in the car had said very little to one another because at some point or another every one in the car , except me was occupied with a gadget. The kids and my wife were talking to or texting their friends while listening to their I-Pods. Every time I said someones name to get their attention for one reason or another it was like I was intruding into their personal space.
I remember a time when as a family we had a closeness that was rivaled only by few.
Now we are reduced to a non-communicating me,me,me and not us family.

On a side note..............
A close family friend suggested that when we moved to Georgia that we not get a bigger house because it would cause our family to separate from one another. I said "no way that will not happen to us, we are too close" We figure the kids all needed their own rooms and I had to have space to do my computer thing and a garage for my bikes and toys. Wifey has her kitchen that has enough room for her to do what she likes and her favorite is a big bathroom which is here.....NOW, To make a long story short we have enough room to all be in the house all day and never cross paths and she was right ! We have become room-mates except I pay all the bills ! Our interactions with each other have lessened and have increased with others outside of our household.

Listen people get back to family. Take a day and turn off the Phones,I-Pods,Computers
and anything else that causes so much distraction play a game of cards or read a good book. Dont forget who and what is important in your life.

JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT...............